We have 4 levels of study packaging as follows:
1) Content Only - At this level you will receive all eBooks for the three modules as described on this page. This exceptional value package is great for people who like to do self study.
2) eMail Support - With this package you get everything in the Content Only package + you are entitled to unlimited eMail support during your course of study for a maximum period of 3 months.
3) eMail & WhatsApp support - With this package we offer WhatsApp support in addition to eMail support during your period of study for a maximum of 3 months.
4) Online support (Zoom etc) - Our premium tier of study includes 30 minutes of one to one support using online meeting apps in addition to WhatsApp and eMail support during your period of study for a period of 6 months
All packages can be paid for with Bitcoin or via Paypal